What is Community Transport (CT)?

CT is a not-for-profit service to support those who are unable to access or use public transport. Service users could be older people, vulnerable, terminally ill, have disabilities or restricted mobility. Our vehicles are adapted to ensure we’re inclusive to everyone. We can take people that use a wheelchair or those unable to step-up to board the minibus by using the lift/ramp.

A key difference to public transport is CT “really does go the extra mile”! Passengers are picked up at and returned to their front door so there’s no walking to a bus stop and waiting in the cold, and extra support is provided. All vehicles have additional safety checks and our volunteers receive training accredited by the Community Transport Association (CTA). Our minibus drivers complete MiDAS driver training and we have Passenger Assistance Training (PATs) for our supporting Passenger Assistants.

There are many benefits to CT - click here for more information.

Services provided

Whether a CT group operates in an urban or rural area, usually affects the way they operate. Here’s a summary to the right, of the usual services that could be offered. Click on the arrows for more information.

CT Groups are led by the need for their services. Some groups have expanded into providing additional services. For example Good Neighbour Schemes - some of which were started during the covid pandemic and have since continued. They include additional services like shopping, prescription or library book collections, help changing light bulbs or smoke detector batteries to keep members safe in their home.

Due to licence restrictions, community transport is not available for private hire to individuals, airport runs or regular journeys eg taking people to work.

  • A volunteer uses their own vehicle to take passengers to appointments (usually medical such as hospitals, doctors, dentist etc).

  • Specific trips organised to one common destination for all passengers on board, e.g. supermarket, garden centre, clubs or days out.

  • Many groups have contracts with Shropshire Council to provide school transport.

  • More suited to urban areas, this continual service picks up and drops passengers off at their own requested destinations.

  • This is available to local community groups such as nurseries and schools for trips out, scouts, residential homes etc.

Get Involved

All Shropshire community transport groups rely on volunteers. It’s fun and rewarding - contact us to find your nearest group and chat about volunteering!